Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!...I SAID, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I think I just may be getting a little too old for this......maybe.
I don't mind the crowds and the hustle and bustle of a New Year's Eve party.
After all,that's what it's all about really.
It's the very,very loud music that annoys me.
Really annoys me.
All along Changkat Bukit Bintang the bars compete for custom by playing music to entice us punters inside.
I don't have a problem with that just so long as I can actually talk to people sitting at my table or at the bar.
And,as the hours tick by,the volume increases until you find yourself shouting at the top of your voice just to be heard by the guy sitting next to you.
And there are times when you sit outside Gypsy or Healy Macs and you hear the music from 4 or 5 other bars combine to  produce the most annoying racket.
I know this all sounds a bit "bar-humbug" and you could say if I don't like the loud music go somewhere else. But I do actually like the music.
It's just way too loud.
The problem is that the DJ's just keep turning the volume up on the hour,every hour until the sound is actually very distorted as the loudspeakers in most establishments are domestic,designed for home-use and are not capable of taking the punishment.
Even on a "normal" weekend I've lost count of how many times I have tell them to turn it down.
New Year's Eve was much too loud,much too soon.
And...if you visit any of these bars the style of music that they play early (mainly oldies and rock) suddenly turns into full-on dance music at midnight. Why? The clientele is the same as it was at 11pm.
You can now see that more people chose to sit outside the bars, even on the pavement because inside it is too noisy-and all that happens is that the DJ turns it up even louder so that the guys outside can hear it.
If we wanted loud music we would all be in a club somewhere (where the loudspeakers can cope and don't distort)
And,don't get me started on the RM 50 cover charge that many bars introduced for New Year's Eve.....


  1. Happy New Year to a fellow noise-sufferer, Neil. I wonder if any of the Changkat revellers (who seem to get younger and younger as I get older) ever spare a thought for those of use who actually live in the area? Apart from Thurs-Sat it's not that noisy until about 1130, but then, as you say, the volume gets ratcheted up by the hour. Even with all windows firmly closed it's hard to sleep until 4AM. Despite being near Bukit Bintang this used to be a relatively quiet area of pricey but pleasant bars and restaurants, but I gave up going to any of them when they turned into blind-drunk screamfests. Clubbing -preferably in more suitable parts of town - is one thing: no one expects much quiet conversation at Zouk. But these cramped places on Changkat appear to offer tables for friends to sit around and chat - and then blast out the music so loud you give up within minutes. Just what is the attraction? Or is it just the thrill of double-parking on every single road and pavement and blocking residents' access? There was a fire at Pampas the other week. I shudder to think how they would get access to put one out on a Friday night in a residential block.

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